Monday 20 September 2010

Danny & Charlies Poster Analysis

Sin City Analysis
Colours- Red, Black, Dark Blue and White are all the colours on the film poster of Sin City. These colours signify different things for example red represents violence and anger, Black represents darkness and despair, White represents netural and relaxed. Dark Blue represents jealousy and deciet.
Font- The font for the title Sin City is in Acent SF. This font signifies that the title is big and bold so that it can stand out on the poster. The other font for little information is arial and this font signifies basic and normal writting so it doesnt overthrow the main bold title.
Clothes/Props- The clothes that are in this filmposter are dark clothes like black jackets andf they also carry a gun so this signifies that this film poster might be a gangster or crime film. Also all this clothing and props make the characters look quite tough and mean. Also these clothes signify darkness and it helps them blend in with their surroundings.
Facial Expressions- The facial expressions in this film poster make the five main characters look tough and scary it also makes them look well respected and not a bunch of people to be messed with. I wouldnt want to walk into them in a dark alley! Also their facial expressions show that they are serious about their job and what they do, very proffesional.
Body Language- The people in this film posters body language signifies that theya re tough and mean it also shows that they would kill people because of the gun that the people are carring. This makes them look very intimidating.
People- The chosen actors signify that this is definetly a gangster or crime film with lots of violence in it. The cahracters like Frank Miller make this a great gangter.
Shot Size- The shot size is zoomed angle this makes all of the characters look bigger and powerfuler than they actually are it also signifise the way that they are posing and it makes them look big and powerful.
Shot Angle - The shot angle basically signifies that all the characters look bigger and stronger than they actually are, or meant to be.
By Danny Coughlan 9c

Thursday 16 September 2010

why i chose media

Why I Chose Media
In year 8 we were given an options letter so that we could chose a GCSE media type task for the year. I chose Media above the others because A. I didn't like music and I find that for GCSE drama I would have a lot of coursework so thats the main reason why I chose GCSE Media. I also chose GCSE Media because I wanted to learn filming and photography to help me in later years. Now I will write what things I hope to learn and acheive by studying GCSE Media.
Well I hope to learn how to take different photography angles and be able to make a short film like the mini cartoon pixar films. Also I would like to mabey one day become a producer or a director so these skills in Media would help me to aspire that dream.
Films and programms that I enjoy. I enjoy a variety of different films such as the transporters and any basic action or horror film. Some music that I enjoy are songs like written in the stars by tinie tempah and other songs by usher and pitbull. I also like rnb and a little bit of rock.
In Media we will also bee learning about media companies like the BBC and childs media like Disney. So thats basically my report on why I chose Media and what I hope to learn from GCSE Media.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Reasearch an Instutiution

Reasearch an Instutiution
Task 1:
1) The history of WaltDisney film Instutiution was founded by Walter Elies/ Walt Disney in 1923. It was an international film and media industry for childs entertainment. Since the company was set up many good childrens films have been made such as: Peter-Pan The Jungle Book and many others. Also since production many theme parks in Florida and Paris have been made into resort parks for children and families. At these theme parks there are famous faces such as Micky Mouse and Donald Duck.
2) The types of media that Disney make are family films funny monster and cartoon films and also little short length films like For the Birds and Mike's new car. Other short films that they make are red's dream. Also Disney do make some sad films like Bambi and romances like Lady and the Tramp also things such as the Lion King are really good rememorable Disney films.
3) The Walt Disney company owns ABC, ESPN, Disney Channel soapnet ABC, ABC Family, ABC Kids, Walt Disney Distribution and most importantly Pixar. Most of these companies that Disney own are TV chanels on Sky and Freeview but others are actual mini film production companies like Pixar.
Task 2:
1) In 1958 Hugh Carleton Greene became head of News and Current Affairs, and set up a BBC study group whose findings were published in 1959.
2) The BBC stans for the British Broadcating Corporation.
3) The purpous of the BBC is to broadcast us programs and news for our own entertainment and for news referrences around the globe.
4) The BBC is funded by telivision licence tax and also in 1 Apr 2007 the BBC's funding was guaranteed by Royal Charter and fixed at regular intervals that they would get paid for the amount of people watching broadcasts.
5) The areas of Media that the BBC broadcast are soaps on BBC1 and on BBC Three they broadcast comedy and real life things. Also other things that they broadcast is BBC Sport and also BBC News. So thats the main things that they broadcast.
6) I think that its important to let us have PSB in Brittain because we havr the right to broadcast ourselves and see what we want to see therefore its impotant that we have things like Youtube so that we have a right to do what we want and watch and broadcast what we want to.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Media Studies Homework By Danny Coughlan 9C

TASK:Answer the following questions on your blogs1) what does the word genre mean? Genre means type of film it’s a French word. E.g horror is a film genre.
2) Give examples of film genres, along with examples of films that fall into each genre. Horror- Friday the 13th. Action- The Expendables. Romance- Romeo and Juliet. Comedy- Liar Liar. Rom-Com- Run fatboy Run. Family- Toy story 3.
3) What does the term generic convention mean? Generic conventions means what props and what things tell you what genre it is. Example eary music for horror.
4) Give some examples of generic conventions for the following genres of film.Horror Films- Eary Music and spooky sounds. Sci FI Films- Alien sounds lasers and outer space things like alien warships.Action Films- Weaponry, Explosions and action hero characters.5) Write a recipe for the perfect film (one genre of your choice). Remember to write down the ingredients you would need and write it like a recipe. E.g. "Take one haunted forest, add in a scared teenager girl" etc...
A man was watching the TV; his favourite horror movie was on. He was slowly drifting, drifting off to sleep. An hour passes and he wakes up. His eyes misty and his face drawing closer and closer to the TV. He hears a scream ahh, and realises what he must do. He leapt to his feet his eyes weary as if they were blank. He walks into the kitchen and pulls a machete from the draw. In a gloomy voice he says she will die tonight... It’s a horror film and some characters that I would have in my Courtney Cox (from scream) Jaime lee Curtis from the (Halloween series.)